Moving Forward: 2012 Goals


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I had been thinking about my New Year resolutions as 2012 approached.  I want to focus on things that will make me happier and healthier this year.  I spend a lot of time reading blogs and magazines which can put unrealistic ideas in my head-maybe my bathroom could be Martha Stewart worthy (even though half of the light bulbs are burnt out).  Or I could start an award winning mom/cooking/design blog and quit my day job even though I have a limited amount of free time and am not nearly witty enough to attract a large audience….not to mention this is only my first blog post ever!  I also admire all of the craft pins on Pinterest, even though I am not crafty at all and I don’t really have any desire to start now.  I had to put aside ‘blog worthy goals’ and focus on the little things that I could accomplish and would enjoy.

Start and Maintain This Blog:  Post at least once per week.  This could be a challenge because I will have to dedicate the little time I have after baby K’s bedtime and my bedtime to this blog, when I typically enjoy other things like spending time with my husband, cleaning the house, or reading.  I also will be be thoughtful and introspective in my posts.  Along with maintaining this blog, my goal is to gather enough courage to share it with others.

Exercise at Least Twice Per Week:  I love going to yoga classes because it calms me while also increasing my strength, but haven’t been since the middle of summer.  Sometimes I am embarrassed because I’m not flexible and have ugly feet (why don’t people wear socks at yoga?!).  Weeknight classes also start at seven, which is shortly after I arrive home from work/daycare pickup.  I would have to squeeze in dinner and miss bedtime for K in order to attend class.  In addition to yoga, I also need to add in some cardio and ab workouts.  I hate that type of exercise, but I hate my flabby post baby stomach even more.

Payoff Student Loans and Save for Down Payment on New House:  This is also on my husband’s list of goals for 2012.  The amount we need to payoff our student loans and save for a new house is approximately the same amount as my gross annual salary.  In the past, we have been able to pay for our wedding, save an emergency fund, and pay for significant structural repair on our house while still enjoying things we love-concerts, eating out, taking mini vacations.  Now with the additional $800 per month in daycare costs, we will have to cut back in order to meet these financial goals.  Ultimately, we know that we need to move in order to live in a safer neighborhood and have a bigger house where we can entertain, have guests and possibly expand our family.  While cutting back may be painful, the happiness of moving to a new home overpowers the short term sacrifices.

Simplify:  In the past, I have been less than interested in cleaning.  I hated it and  we paid someone to clean our house every other week.  Now that I’ve become a mother, cleaning is something that makes me happy.  I think my nesting instinct kicked in after I had K instead of at the end of my pregnancy (I was more interested in reading books and taking naps at that point).  There is so much more work involved in a tidy and clean house now than before.  Part of having a cleaner home is having less to deal with-hence the simplification goal.  We need to continue to purge unwanted/unneeded items and purchase new items with thought and purpose.  I am going to follow the Declutter and Organize Calendar at MySimplerLife to help me stay on top of a simpler home.

Have you made a list of resolutions or goals for 2012?  Do you have any tips for achieving them?